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ABCDAdd Decimal with ExtendMULSSigned Multiply
ADDAddMULUUnsigned Multiply
ADDAAdd Address
ADDIAdd ImmediateNBCDNegate Decimal with Extend
ADDQAdd QuickNEGNegate
ADDXAdd with ExtendNEGXNegate with Extend
ANDLogical ANDNOPNo Operation
ANDILogical AND ImmediateNOTLogical Complement
ASL, ASRArithmetic Shift L/R

ORLogical inclusive Or
BccBranch ConditionallyORILogical inclusive Immediate
BCHGTest Bit and change
BFCLRTest Bit Field and ClrPACKPack BCD
BFEXTSSigned Bit Field ExtractPEAPush Effective Address
BFEXTUUnsigned Bit Field Extract
BFFFOBit Field Find First OneRESETReset External Devices
BFINSBit Field InsertROL, RORRotate Left and Right
BFSETTest Bit Field and SetROXL,ROXRRotate with Extend
BFTSTTest Bit FieldRTDReturn and Deallocate
BKPTBreakpointRTEReturn from Exception
BRABranchRTMReturn from Module
BSETTest Bit and SetRTRReturn from Restore Codes
BSRBranch to SubroutineRTSReturn from Subroutine
BTSTTest Bit

SBCDSubtr. Decimal with Extend
CALLMCall ModuleSccSet Conditionally
CASCompare and Swap OperandsSTOPStop
CAS2As above in Dual ModeSUBSubtract
CHKCheck Reg: Against BoundSUBASubtract Address
CHK2Check Against Upper andSUBISubtract Immediate
Lower BoundsSUBQSubtract Quick
CLRClearSUBXSubtract with Extend
CMPCompareSWAPSwap Register words
CMPACompare Address
CMPICompare ImmediateTASTest Operand and Set
CMPMCompare Memory to MemoryTRAPTrap
CMP2Compare Register Against Upper and Lower BoundsTRAPccTrap Conditionally

TRAPVTrap on Overflow
DBccTest Condition, Decrement and BranchTSTTest Operand
DIVS, DIVSLSigned Divide
DIVU, DIVULUnsigned DivideUNLKUnlink

EORExclusive Or
EORIExclusive Or ImmediateCoProcessor Instructions
EXGExchange Registers
EXT, EXTBSigned ExtendcpBccBranch Conditionally

cpDBccTest Condition, Decrement and Branch
ILLEGALTake Illegal Instruction TrapcpGENCoprocessor General Instr.

cpRESTORERestore Internal State
JMPJumpcpSAVESave Internal State
JSRJump to SubroutinecpSccSet Conditionally

cpTRAPccTrap Conditionally
LEALoad Effective Address
LINKLink and AllocateUnofficial Instructions
LSL, LSRLogical Shift Left and Right

Not complete. :)
MOVEAMove Address
MOVE CCRMove Condition Code Reg.
MOVE SRMove Status Register
MOVE USPMove User Stack Pointer
MOVECMove Control Register
MOVEMMove Multiple
MOVEPMove Peripheral
MOVEQMove Quick
MOVESMove Alternate Address Space
Dual Mode: 64 bit processing intructions eg. Muls.l d0,d1:d2
The Destination Operand is in 64 bit format
Addressing Modes and Assembler Syntax
Instruction Cycles table

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Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten. Letzte Änderung:
14 September 2001.
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